CAHIIM offers the Faculty Fellowship (FCAHIIM) and Faculty Badging programs to recognize faculty expertise and contributions to the educational community. These offerings are designed to enhance faculty members’ résumés as well as help programs identify quality candidates, particularly with relation to knowledge of the accreditation process.
CAHIIM Faculty Fellowship Program

CAHIIM Faculty Fellowship Program (FCAHIIM)
CAHIIM seeks to recognize outstanding HIM/HI program faculty and their contributions to enhancing workforce competence by ensuring educational excellence.
Benefits for receiving a CAHIIM Faculty Fellowship:
- Recognizing dedication of faculty to the HIM/HI Workforce and Educational Community.
- Recognizing faculty that have experience in the CAHIIM Accreditation Process.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Has gone through at least one CAHIIM Accreditation Program Comprehensive Review as a faculty member.
- Has volunteered with CAHIIM in at least one or more of the following capacities for at least five (5) cumulative years of service:
- CAHIIM Peer Reviewer
- CAHIIM Council Member
- CAHIIM Board Member
- CAHIIM Committee or Work Group Member
- Has worked in higher education for at least 7 years.
- Has attended at least one CAHIIM Accreditation Process Training.
- Has attended at least one CAHIIM Summit on Higher Education.
- Volunteers in the local/state/national HIM/HI Community.
Application Requirements:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Cover Letter
- Three (3) Reference Letters
- CAHIIM Conference Attendance (two pathways):
- Pathway 1: Proof of CAHIIM Accreditation Process Training within the last three (3) years AND Proof of CAHIIM Summit on Higher Education attendance within the last three (3) years
- Pathway 2: Proof of CAHIIM Accreditation Process Training with the last six (6) years AND Proof of CAHIIM Summit on Higher Education attendance two (2) times within the last (3) years
Application Fee: $250.00
Required Elements in the Cover Letter and Reference Letters:
- Cover Letter: Please describe why you would like to be a CAHIIM Faculty Fellow. In addition to describing your desire to become a CAHIIM Faculty Fellow, please address the following items:
- Current and/or recent volunteer work with CAHIIM.
- Local/state/national HIM/HI volunteer work within the last three (3) years.
- Reflect on your dedication to the HIM/HI Workforce and Educational Community.
- Evidence might include but not limited to work on different program advisory committees, participation in institutional committees, volunteer work within your community not associated with a professional organization, service on hospital boards, etc.
- Provide evidence of service to accreditors other than CAHIIM.
- Importance of quality education to the HIM/HI professions.
- What is the value of accreditation to the industry and the profession?
- What is the role of higher education in the HIM/HI/Healthcare industry?
- Provide examples of evidence that supports your commitment to higher education and accreditation and supports your commitment to the HIM/HI industry.
- Evidence may include but not limited to listing in conference proceedings, certificates in participation, presentations, meeting minutes of attendance in workgroups/committees.
- Reference Letters: One reference letter should be from an individual in an administrative role at your institution. This letter should speak to your dedication and achievement as a faculty member. The second letter should be from an industry professional that you currently work with in either a volunteer capacity or on your advisory board. The letter should speak to your dedication for enhancing the workforce in the community you serve. The third letter should be from an additional reference of your choosing, i.e. a student, graduate, advisory board member, colleague at your institution, etc.
CAHIIM Faculty Badging Program

CAHIIM Faculty Badging Program
The purpose of CAHIIM’s faculty badging program is to recognize outstanding HIM/HI program faculty and their expertise in a particular area of focus.
A faculty member may hold multiple badges. Each badge must be applied for individually.
- Academic Leader
- Faculty Mentor
- Faculty Researcher
- Online Excellence
- PPE Placement
- Program Recruitment
- Student Mentor
- Volunteering
Application Fee: $150.00

Academic Leader
Evidence of five or more years of full time experience as an academic administrator in an accredited program. Receiving this badge would indicate that your skills as an academic leader and that you provide quality leadership to your academic programs.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- Provide examples of different Publications/Presentations in academic leadership
- Provide any recognition you have received as an academic leader

Faculty Mentor
Evidence that a faculty member has participated in mentoring other faculty members in either the HIM and/or HI professional field. Receiving this badge means that the individual is dedicated to enhancing higher education by growing faculty members in their program.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- Letter of Support from mentored faculty member
- Letter of Support from Institutional Leadership
- Evidence of support for the faculty member

Faculty Researcher
Evidence that the faculty member is actively carrying out and presenting research within the fields of HI/HIM. Receiving this badge would identify that the faculty member is producing scholarly work to enhance the profession they serve.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- A letter of support from faculty’s institution regarding research
- A letter of support from a research collaborator on published research
- Most recent (within the last 5 years) publication
- List of presentations, publications, contributions of current research within the last 5 years

Online Excellence
Evidence that the faculty member has dedicated time to enhance online learning and provide quality educational opportunities for their students. Receiving this badge would indicate that the individual implements innovative teaching techniques in online learning environment.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- Describe activities done in the classroom that go beyond the minimum requirements for online student engagement
- Provide an online lecture that goes beyond the minimum requirements for online teaching
- Provide evidence of enhanced student engagement and student success
- Provide evidence that you have received education regarding online learning.

PPE Placement
Evidence that the faculty member has extensive experience in placing students in practicum experiences, whether that be a face-to-face or virtual experience. Receiving this badge would indicate that the faculty member has experience building external relationships with the HI/HIM community.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- 3 letters of support from the HI/HIM Community Members that have hosted students at their locations based upon the relationship that was built with the faculty member
- A letter of support from faculty member’s institution that recognizes the networking that has been conducted and used for PPE placement
- A current list of PPE sites that the faculty member has created and coordinates with to place students in their PPE experience

Program Recruitment
Evidence that the faculty member has created, implemented, and was successful in putting together a recruitment plan for their program. Receiving this badge would indicate that the faculty member has experience in creating a marketing plan for an HI/HIM program.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover letter
- Letter of support from institutional leadership that the recruitment plan was successful at the institution
- Evidence that the plan was implemented and successful

Student Mentor
Evidence that a faculty member has participated in mentoring students in either the HIM and/or HI professional field. This could mean traditional mentorship, distance mentorship or group mentorship. Receiving this badge means that the individual is dedicated to growing the profession and pushing students to reach their full potential personally and professionally.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- 3 letters of support from mentored students
- Evidence that you have participated in a mentorship training, i.e. on LinkedIn, at your institution, online training, etc.

Evidence that the faculty member is connected to the community that their program serves. Receiving this badge means that the individual has given their time to enhancing the profession and their program by serving in numerous volunteer positions.
Application Requirements
- CV
- Cover Letter
- 3 letters of support from different organizations that you have volunteered with